Top 5 Essential Facts About Epoxy Terrazzo Tiles

Top 5 Essential Facts About Epoxy Terrazzo Tiles

Terrazzo is an appealing flooring option for residential and commercial spaces – no one can overemphasise that fact. Even if you live in the dungeon, you would have seen terrazzo tiles more than twice, only that you might not have recognised it each time you walk on a terrazzo flooring.

In that light, many people don’t easily recognise terrazzo tiles at first glance. They would have to look deeper before they see the uniqueness and quality. Now, that should sound more comforting to know that you are not alone.

Terrazzo tiles are almost everywhere. That is because it has become a favourite option for seasoned architects, contractors and home designers. It is not a fluke that everyone wants to use terrazzo for their home décor. Its durability and versatility are unequalled in the tiles market. Would you rather refuse to go for tiles that can last for as long as a century in your house? I guess not. 

Practically, terrazzo tiles can last more than the house itself. In most cases, they will remain in good condition even when the house starts to dilapidate. Does that sound incredible? Absolutely. 

Meanwhile, you need to know that terrazzo tiles are available in different types, sizes and colours. Though many kinds of terrazzo tiles people use for different flooring designs, this article will talk extensively about the most common type – epoxy.

Epoxy is the most used type of terrazzo because of its unmatched durability, versatility and flexibility. It is not an exaggeration that it allows designers to do anything that crosses their minds. If you are want to create a one-of-a-kind design that will draw all eyes to your house, it is best to walk with epoxy terrazzo tiles. 

I know, by now, you might have been considering using this low-cost flooring option for your next building or remodelling project. Still, you need to learn more about this type of terrazzo if you want to maximise its versatility. 

Here are the top 5 vital facts you should know about epoxy terrazzo. You can learn about Bring Your Home Alive with Herringbone Tiles [2021 Full Guide] by Clicking here.

1. Flexible Aesthetics

One of the most significant reasons many home designers love to use epoxy is its supreme flexibility in design. Indeed, there are no boundaries to what you can use epoxy tiles to create, and that is why it is the most common out of other types of terrazzo tiles. 

A typically polished epoxy contains a good proportion of essential minerals that can help you create a beautifully textured surface. Compared to other high-end flooring options, epoxy is more flexible. Though other expensive flooring materials can offer the same reflective appearance, epoxy makes the difference.

More so, epoxy allows you to choose from a wide range of standard colours more than any other type of flooring. What’s more? You may decide to use a single colour for all the designs and still come up with something sensational. However, in most cases, designers prefer to mix the colours to outline some areas.

Because of its flexibility, epoxy has become one of the most common and least expensive gorgeous flooring options that are easier to get for home décor. It is fair enough to call it a crowd favourite. 

2. Eco-Sustainability

If what you want is an environmentally friendly terrazzo, epoxy remains your favourite option. 

Venetian workers made terrazzo tiles from recycled materials such as waste chips that always came out while they were processing marble slabs. In producing terrazzo tiles, the producers cannot do without using recycled glass, marble, granite, and other minerals. No doubt, epoxy’s mineral content is among the reasons it is a sustainable option.

Since epoxy is a product of naturally occurring materials, it is ideal to say that it maximises some of the most precious mineral resources on the earth. Interestingly, epoxy contains about 25 – 30 per cent of a binding agent which doesn’t contain volatile organic compounds. By implication, the epoxy flooring option produces lesser off-gassing throughout its cured life. Not only that, its smooth finish helps in preventing the growth of microbial and moisture. In a nutshell, epoxy flooring contributes to the healthy living of the occupants.

3. Durability 

Durability is one of the most enticing benefits of epoxy terrazzo. There has not been any other flooring that can serve as long as epoxy.  In fact, epoxy can last longer than the building itself. And for that reason, many people will rather buy epoxy terrazzo tiles even if it’s the most expensive. 

You cannot manage green construction without durability. Come to think of it, there will not be many wasted resources since people don’t have reasons to replace their flooring materials. Structurally, all kinds of terrazzo tiles are made to last for ages – it is not a unique benefit of epoxy alone. 

If you install epoxy in your home, all you need to do is refinish your flooring at a long interval reusing some of the existing materials. Additionally, the cost of restoring epoxy flooring to its initial nice-looking state is nothing compared to other flooring types. To prove this, you can visit some old government buildings, museums and any other place with terrazzo flooring.

4. Low-cost Maintenance 

One of the attractive benefits of using epoxy flooring is that it is easy and cheap to maintain. Little wonder the demand keep soaring higher by the day. It is one thing to spend a considerable amount of money buying and installing tiles; it is another to continue spending money on routine maintenance. 

For epoxy terrazzo tiles, you wouldn’t have to bother yourself spending money to keep your floor in a good-looking condition. All you will have to do is dry and mop to clean away any dirt, no matter how sticky. The reason is that epoxy has a smooth, stain-resistant surface. 

5. Cost-Efficiency

It is possible to see epoxy terrazzo tiles as a costly flooring option because you may have to spend more to install them. However, considering their durability, versatility, and other benefits, you will gain more than how much you paid for them the installation.


Epoxy terrazzo tiles come with a lot of generous benefits. You will be missing all that if you consider it an expensive flooring option. Though other types of terrazzo also have their unique individual advantages, there must be a reason epoxy is more common and loved than its counterparts.